Arte & Pasta: Production
A short description of production process: The flour is stored in the silo, a covered and insulated container adjacent to the laboratory. From the silo flour moves to machines through a steel tube. At first, it is mixed with a fixed percentage of water, and then the paste is pushed into the draw-plate through a conical screw. Now the paste goes to the “incartamento” (first phase of desiccation of pasta), where it “revives” by resting on frames (short pasta) or on sticks (long pasta).
After that, the pasta is ready for the drying process. Drying takes place in static stores, where the temperature is set to max 50°.
Depending on shapes of pasta, it remains in t he stores 24 to 26 hours; once it reaches the residence time required, the stores are turned off, and the pasta remains here to rest for another 12 hours. After completing this cycle, pasta is removed from frames or sticks, and finally is ready to cook.
During the whole production runs a strict plan control
After that, the pasta is ready for the drying process. Drying takes place in static stores, where the temperature is set to max 50°.
Depending on shapes of pasta, it remains in t he stores 24 to 26 hours; once it reaches the residence time required, the stores are turned off, and the pasta remains here to rest for another 12 hours. After completing this cycle, pasta is removed from frames or sticks, and finally is ready to cook.
During the whole production runs a strict plan control
For information
call +39 081 081 8592575

Arte&Pasta Srl
Via Ponte Mastrilli n.18
80041 Boscoreale (NA)
tel 081 8592575
Via Ponte Mastrilli n.18
80041 Boscoreale (NA)
tel 081 8592575